Caleen Sisk
Candidate for Assembly, District 1Behavioral health is unfortunately widespread in the northern counties that I live in, those counties north of Sacramento to the Oregon border. Not only does it matter to those of us who work with small and large groups of persons, but it is unfunded, therefore often making it difficult to convince local and state leaders of its importance. As Chief of my tribe, the Winnemem Wintu, I find this rather prevalent within my community. It matters in so far as we have to take it seriously and make great strides to help our fellow community members to have a wholesome and viable life.
Find funding for local treatment facilities. Funds should be available via several ballot measures that have passed over the last few years; especially lobbying for funds to be allocated to rural counties.
Making behavioral health a community-wide effort is one way to destigmatize a population that is often feared and misunderstood. Shasta Co. seems to have a good outreach program and program leader. They have community discussions and art exhibits by those who are able to come forth and discuss their personal stories. This helps break down the stereotype.
Yes. When elected to the State Assembly, I will help lead the way on this community health issue.