Rudy Peters
Candidate for Congress, 15th DistrictOur county continues to be in crisis when it comes to mental illness.
We must improve access to care and treatments.
We cannot avoid this growing crisis any longer.
Mental health and substance use services have been chronically underfunded for decades.
The 2018 Federal Budget increased mental health funding to $4B dollars.
In California, more than 2 million children, adults, and seniors are affected by potentially disabling mental illnesses every year.
Thirty years ago, the State of California cut back on its services in state hospitals for people with severe mental illnesses, without providing adequate funding for mental health services in the community. Many people became homeless.
In California. To address this issue, Proposition 63 was approved by voters in 2004. Proposition 63, also called the Mental Health Services Act, was enacted into law on January 1, 2005.
I will not only fight for increased federal funding for mental health treatment and facilities, I will form a joint county commission, tasked with identifying, addressing and treating mental health issues right here in our District.
We must make early identification a priority, followed up with early intervention for everyone with mental health concerns.
Mental Health is one of my Top Priorities.
Candidate Name: Rudy Peters
Office: US Congress 15th District California
Party: Republican
Web Site: www.rudypetersforcongress.com
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rudypetersforcongress
Twitter: twitter.com/PetersCongress
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rudypetersforcongress/?hl=en