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We must come together to make Behavioral Health a priority

Carmichael Times

Commentary by Zima Creason, President and CEO, Mental Health America of California

September 21, 2018

Behavioral health issues plague one in four Americans in their lifetime, and half of us will care for someone living with a mental health issue during our lives. If you are not experiencing a behavioral health challenge right now, someone you know certainly is. These issues can strike someone once during their lifetime, or they may be something a person deals with every moment of every day.

In my role with Mental Health America of California, I work closely with youth and in the workplace mental health space. I see that the state of California, and the nation as a whole, is facing significant issues when it comes to behavioral health. Children are dying from substance use disorders and overdoses; they are dying from suicide. Neighbors are disabled because of behavioral health challenges.

MCHAC has been working for 60 years to ensure that everyone in California who needs mental health services and support has access to appropriate help before they reach a point of crisis. But we cannot do this alone. That’s why we have joined forces with a first-of-its-kind coalition called Behavioral Health Action.

Read more here.

This same opinion editorial also appeared in the Sacramento Oracle and Placer Sentinel.

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